Grey Seal

One of two seal species found around the UK, grey seals spend most of its time in water but are a relatively common sight due to their need to ‘haul out’ and take time to rest along the coastline. The UK is estimated to be home to around 40% of the world’s population of grey seals so, if you know where to go and you’re respectful towards them and their habitat, they’re a fairly common sight though no less pleasing a sight for it.

Often confused with the other species inhabiting UK shorelines, common or harbour seals, grey seals are the bigger of the two with a more obvious sloped nose and parallel nasal passages.

Facts and figures…

  • Protected under UK law
  • Males are the heavier weighing up to 300 kg
  • Females will weigh up to 200 kg
  • Lifespan of 30 – 40 years
  • UK population c.100,000+


  • Entanglement in fishing nets and other beach or marine litter
  • Some fishermen have been known to persecute seals
  • Disturbance by tourists especially during pupping season
  • Water-based pollutants

How you can help…

  • Avoid littering
  • Use environmentally products
  • Take part in a safely organised beach clean
  • Avoid disturbance especially during the breeding season